Here you’ll find more game variations and tips on how to shuffle!

Game: Memory Pairs (level: easy)
For 2-6 players age 3+
Halve the deck, cards sorted into colour pairs. Shuffle the cards and spread them out in front of you, face down.
Aim: to find a matching pair by turning over two cards of the same colour. Did you find a matching pair? You can have another go! No match? Turn the cards face down in the same place.
The winner is the player with the highest number of pairs.
Variation: add the Crotchety Crotchet™ card to win an extra point.

Game: Guess Who for Music Buffs (level: advanced)
2+ players. Full deck.
Who ARE all these people on the cards?!
This game and its variations is your chance to show off your musical expertise. Cards are placed face down in a pile. Take turns to describe the composer without saying their name. Players may also hum or whistle but can’t say: “rhymes with” or “8 letters” or “starts with [letter]”
Variation 1: play against the clock. 30 seconds each to describe as many as possible. The player with the lowest number does a forfeit.
Variation 2: Hum or whistle any piece by the composer on the card. No talking.

Easy ways to shuffle cards
The wishy-washy shuffle
Use two hands to mix the cards, face down on a big surface in front of you. After a good ‘scrub’ gather them up to form a tidy pile.
The Pile-up shuffle
Stack and re-stack the cards to your heart’s content.
Also check out: the Riffle, the Overhand, the Hindu and the Weave shuffles.